For Our Future
Eco Arts – Collaborations
Eco Arts is a creative practice that recognises that we are all part of the Living World. The film Eco Arts in Action provides an overview of the practice of Eco Arts in community. Perspectives of First Nations Elders and artists are interwoven with examples of intercultural and environmental events.
Musicians and creative thought leaders discuss the role of arts and culture in strengthening communities against the backdrop of ecological degradation and the climate crisis.
For Our Future Details
Acknowledgment of Country
For Our Future Overview
Inspiring Environmental Stewardship
For Our Future Projects 2022-2023
Project One – Country is Listening
Project Two – Living Water Ways
Project Three – Ocean Messages
Project Four – Eco Arts Community Celebration
For Educators

Acknowledgement of Country
We honour the Bunurong/Boonwurrung of the Kulin Nation who have cared for this Country for thousands of years. We recognise First Peoples’ continuing connection to lands, waters, and community. We pay our respects to the Ancestors and Elders who carry the memories, traditions, cultures, and aspirations of First Peoples, and who forge the path ahead for emerging leaders.
For Our Future was a significant community-based project facilitating an environmental program of Eco Arts events and activities for the Bass Coast community and beyond. It was supported financially by the Bass Coast Shire Council and the Phillip Island Conservation Society (PICS). The project was launched on 21st October 2022 and was completed on 30th September 2023.
Project events and activities were all underpinned by the practice of Deep Listening and were designed to inspire environmental stewardship in community, deepening a sense of connection with each other and the Living World. The program brought together the Arts, Science and Culture and was intercultural, intergenerational and interdisciplinary.
For Our Future was structured around four projects, Country is Listening, Living Water Ways, Ocean Messages and an Eco Arts Community Celebration. The projects were led by artists supported by interdisciplinary teams of Eco Arts Collaborators. A series of six short films were produced, documenting the projects and the creative, cultural and ecological practice of community members.
For Our Future offered community activities and an educational stream of Eco Arts activities and events across the Bass Coast region. Members of an interdisciplinary team comprised of artists, musicians, conservationists and First Nation cultural educators facilitated environmentally-focussed activities and learning experiences. All activities and events were an invitation to listen more deeply and respectfully to the Living World and to recognise ourselves as part of it. The Program of Events included Deep Listening Circles, intercultural collaborations, performances, workshops, concerts, exhibitions, conservation walks and talks and an international Creative Message Exchange.
For Our Future activities and events aligned with the Australian Curriculum 9.0.
The key goal of For Our Future was to facilitate environmental stewardship and learning in the community through creative community engagement and Eco Arts collaborations which wove together Art, Science and Culture.
For Our Future Projects 2022 – 2023
Project One Country is Listening
The ‘Country is Listening’ project had a focus on culture and collaborative art-making and the music, and stories inspired by it.
21st October 2022 – 30th September 2023
Key Themes
Respect, Protect, Connect
Events in ‘Country is Listening’
Deep Listening Ceremonies and Circles
Community Mural Painting
Creative Message Exchange
Eco Arts Workshops
Conservation Walk and Talk
Project Two Living Water Ways
The ‘Living Water Ways’ project integrated art, story, music, poetry, culture and science to deepen our understanding of water cycles and inspire environmental and climate action.
9th January 2022 – 30th April 2023
Key Themes
Reflect, Reveal, Revive
Events in ‘Living Water Ways’
Deep Listening Circles
Eco Arts Workshops
Creative Writing: Rivers & Wetlands
Conservation Walk and Talk
Project Three Ocean Messages
Using print-making and different ways of knowing, the ‘Ocean Messages’ project explored migratory birds, shared environmental concerns and local and global interconnectedness across the seas.
1st May 2023 – 13th August 2023
Key Themes
Release, Return, Re-member
Events in ‘Ocean Messages’ included:
Art Exhibition
Printmaking Workshops
Deep Listening Circle
Eco Arts Workshops
Creative Messge Exchange
Conservation Walk and Talk
Project Four Eco Arts Community Celebration
The ‘Eco Arts Community Celebration’ wove together the outcomes of Projects One, Two and Three at Wonthaggi ArtSpace.
14th August – 1st September 2023
1st September 2023
Community Celebration Team
Lead Artists and Eco Arts Collaborators and members of the Bass Coast community and beyond.
Key Themes
Key Themes – Communicate, Celebrate, Regenerat
Wonthaggi ArtSpace
Eco Arts Community Celebration
An intergenerational, intercultural and international gathering held face-to-face and by Zoom in association with the Ocean Messages Exhibition. The event was opened by Traditional Custodians Uncle Steve Ulula Parker and Aunty Sonia Weston and featured the sharing of culture, art, story, song and dance. The Eco Arts Community Celebration provided a public forum to celebrate creative collaborations in Bass Coast and beyond.
Inspiring Educational Stewardship
For Our Future was created to inspire environmental stewardship through Eco Arts events and activities. Its purpose was to connect us with each other and the natural world through the practice of Deep Listening. For Our Future drew on a shared love of place and a deeply felt desire to protect it for the future.
The For Our Future project has taken place at a time when the planet is on fire. With the urgency of climate change and ecological collapse ever-present, we have moved into new territory, not knowing what will emerge from these days. We don’t know if our environmental actions are going to be successful, but we’re doing it anyway, because we must. We’re facing these times as members of a community. We’re working together and inspiring each other. Author and psychologist Tara Brach believes that when we recognise that we all belong to the natural world, we widen our sense of identity. We remember that we belong to something larger and there is huge creativity and shared love of the natural world on which we can draw.
We live close to the natural world in Bass Coast. It connects us to each other and to the ancient lineage of the people who have cared for this Country for thousands of years. It also connects us to the generations to come and to our responsibilities to protect the environment for the future.
There is a lot of collaborative and creative environmental action happening right now in the conservation space. People are coming together in multiple ways through different networks. Alliances are forming and people are sharing knowledge and pooling their expertise, creating communities with positive ecological focus. Examples of these collective actions can be found in the development of the Western Port Bay Framework designed to protect Western Port from industrialisation into the future, the Phillip Island Land Alliance (PILA) and the educational and community groups that comprise Totally Renewable Phillip Island (TRPI). Phillip Island Conservation Society and the South Gippsland Conservation Society are supporting each other’s work in raising awareness of coastal erosion issues, restoring ecosystems along creeks, repatriating Aboriginal artefacts, and providing strategic advice on environmental campaigns, such as Save Western Port Woodlands.
These kinds of creative ecological collaborations strengthen our relationships and our environmental stewardship, helping us find our place in the wider community of living beings.
September 2023 Update
Once again, it is time be inspired by the latest events and activities of this wonderful program.
(Links are to .pdf files.)
BCAL Migrant English Class in the Woodlands 240723
Caring for Country Tree-Planting in Inverloch 080823
Eco Arts Community Celebration Wonthaggi ArtSpace 130923
For Our Future Eco Arts Celebration with Community Feedback 210923
National Tree Day in Inverloch 2023 310723
July 2023 Update
Be inspired – sit back with a cup of tea and take a peek inside the wonderful activities and events of the ‘For Our Future’ Program.
(Links are to .pdf files)
Island Whale Festival 2023 050723
Artspace Ocean Messages Workshop with Susan Hall 280523
BCAL Exploring Art Exhibition Opening 200723
BCAL Exploring Art and the Natural World 140723
Creative Message Exchange Introduction and Invitation 190623
Library Exhibition and Deep Listening Circle 180623
April 2023 Update
Take a little time out to explore the uplifting and energizing experiences showcased below.
(Links are to .pdf files)
Bass Coast College Coastal Landscapes Deep Listening Circle
Creative Message Exchange – Children and First Nation Artists
Creative Message Exchange – Susan Hall and Melanie Yazzie
Creative Message Exchange Invitation and Templates
Daniel Church Exhibition at Wonthaggi ArtSpace ‘This is My Story’ 210323
Deep Listening Circle at Wonthaggi ArtSpace with Daniel Church
Deep Listening Ceremony and Community Concert
For Our Future Eco Arts Incursions
Use the link above to download For Our Future Eco Arts Incursions information (.pdf).
For Our Future projects align with the Australian Curriculum 9 and are designed to facilitate learning with participants of all ages, backgrounds and abilities. The program of events can be adapted for groups of different sizes.
Updates April 2023
The Short Eco Arts Films link will enable access to a .pdf file containing links to thirteen films now screening on YouTube. Recommended viewing.