
PICS is made up of like minded passionate volunteers and your generous donations help us to continue to do our work.

How to make your donation payment

We accept direct deposit and cheque payments.

1. Paying direct deposit – please use the form below

2. Paying by cheque – please download this form  PICS Membership Donation Form 2022 and send  to  Phillip Island Conservation Society, Attention: Treasurer – P.O. Box 548 COWES VIC 3922

I/We want to support the work of Phillip Island Conservation Society by making a donation.
General Fund donations allow us to use the funds for the general administration of the society. Whilst they are not tax deductible, they are helpful in our managing our operating costs.
I want to support PICS Public Fund with a tax deductible donation. All donations over $2 are tax deductible. These funds are used to assist us in participating in major planning issues that concern Phillip island and its surrounds.

Complete the verification process below and you will receive by email our bank account details to complete donation. Please include your surname in the reference field of your direct deposit transaction.
You may wish to check your spam folder if your receipt fails to appear in your inbox.

For security verification, please enter any random two digit number. For example: 44